Police Department

Officially founded in 1957, the Saraland Police Department began with a single Town Marshal serving the city’s one hundred and twenty-five residents. Since those humble beginnings, the Saraland Police Department has strived to expand in order to provide quality service to this ever growing community.
The Saraland Police Department is budgeted for forty-five sworn officers with an additional ten civilian employees. The department is broken down into multiple divisions to better meet the needs of the citizens.
The Patrol Division is tasked with first response and is usually the initial point of contact with the community. The patrol division is dedicated to providing a quick response and immediate solutions for emergency situations. The Patrol Division performs the initial investigations on scene and then forwards their findings to the appropriate investigative team.
The Criminal Investigative Division is responsible for follow up investigations generated in the patrol division. Although our detectives are trained to investigate multiple types of crimes, we have individual detectives specially trained to investigate specific types of crimes. Some of their special training is divided into capitol crimes, sex crimes, property crimes and financial crimes. We also have detectives that specialize in crime scene investigation and evidence collection.
The Narcotics Division is responsible for investigating all forms of drug crimes. Those crimes include narcotics possession, distribution, manufacturing and trafficking. Our narcotics investigators are specially trained to investigate and assist in prosecution of both state and federal narcotics cases.
The Special Operations Division is a specialized unit designed to fill multiple, ever changing duties. The special operations division is responsible for traffic control at special events. They are responsible for traffic control in high traffic portions of the city, as well as, aggressive patrol of areas with higher crime reporting than usual. The K-9 division operates under the special operations division and works closely with the narcotics division.
The SWAT team is a highly trained, thirteen member team, that specializes in rapid response to high threat situations. The SWAT team works closely with all the other divisions to ensure the safety of the community.
The Support Services Division is a group of both sworn officers and civilian employees that are responsible for the day to day operations of the police department.
Abatement of nuisances on public and private property – Code Investigation Report. For questions contact the Saraland Public Safety Division at 251-307-1135 or email codeenforcement@saraland.org.
Follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/saralandpolice/
Emergency – Call 911
To request an officer or file a report
(Non Emergency) – Call (251) 675-5331
Tip Line (251) 459-8477
Public Safety Director/Chief of Police
J.C. West – jwest@saraland.org
Patrol Division
Captain James Morton – jmorton@saraland.org
Lieutenant Wayne Miller – gmiller@saraland.org
Lieutenant Dan Arnett – darnett@saraland.org
Traffic Safety Division
Captain Greg Cully – gcully@saraland.org
Criminal Investigations
Detective Tywone Johnson – tjohnson@saraland.org
Detective Devin O’Shea – doshea@saraland.org
Lieutenant Billy Odell – bodell@saraland.org
Narcotics Tips – narcoticsinfo@saraland.org
Sergeant E.G. Hearn ehearn@Saraland.org
Information Technologies
Lieutenant Bryan Mims – bmims@saraland.org
Public Information Officer/Special Services
Lieutenant Bryson McDaniel – bmcdaniel@saraland.org