Ashley-Nicole Ross Flowers, MS., CTRS
Parks and Recreation Director
Welcome to City of Saraland Parks and Recreation! My name is Ashley-Nicole Flowers, and I am the Director for the Department. It is my job to create an opportunity for a better quality of life for the residents of Saraland, Alabama through people, parks, programs, and partnerships. As an agent of local government, I assume the honor, privilege and responsibilities of the service and confidence the citizens of Saraland have entrusted me with. I will continue to work hard and strive to give our patrons the very best we have to offer in recreation. I encourage all members of the community to join me in promoting active and healthy lifestyles through participation in the Great City of Saraland Parks and Recreational activities.
The Parks and Recreation Department includes the civic center, recreation center, senior center, parks, playgrounds, and the recreational and educational programs. The great activities this department offers can include anyone from birth to 55+. Whether you live here or are just visiting, I invite you to take advantage of the programs, facilities, special events available to you in the City of Saraland. In addition, there are many opportunities for citizens to participate in community recreational and volunteer activities. There may be no better time to get started than right now!
If you have any questions, please contact us at parksandrecreation@saraland.org. Thanks for coming to our website and I look forward to seeing you in the community.
Arts and Crafts
*Alabama Elderly Nutrition Program– Through a grant with the South Alabama Regional Planning Commission (SARPC) and the Area Agency on Aging (AAA) the Alabama Elderly Nutrition Program provide seniors daily with nutritious meals combined with social activities and fellowship. Hot meals are served daily at 11 am. You must apply to be a part of this program.
Educational Seminars
Movie Nights
Red Barn Project
Special Events